Corvus Rex Series
Images, by Duncan Regehr, of hybrid, half human half scarecrow figures juxtaposed with mythic representations of crows, ravens (corvidae).

A body of work made up of seven related series.
Scarecrow | oils
Portrayals of half human, half scarecrow (male and female) beings set in landscapes of dawn or dusk.
Corvus Rex Bird (Raven) | oils
Paintings of Ravens in grand scale. Iconic portrayals suggestive of oracle and prescience.
Scarecrow | line drawings
Grand scale drawings of hybrid Scarecrows (male and female).
Corax | ink and wax pigment
Colored drawings of Ravens.
Ravens | scratch paintings
Oil painting images of ravens rendered via sgraffitto technique (black laid over
color, then scraped away).
Ravens | quill drawings
Pen and ink drawings of iconic ravens.
Scarecrows | terriculum drawings
Graphite and black wax pencil drawings of scarecrows (male and female) as comical, satirical or absurd beings
Stage one of the Transformation Works.
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