The Museum of World Music

3pm Saturday Nov 28th –
Admission by Donation

A matinee concert demonstration on the history of free reeds and squeezeboxes will take place on Saturday Nov. 28th at 3pm, featuring harmonica giant Keith Bennett, extreme multi-instrumentalist Randy Raine-Reusch, Chinese sheng whiz Tony Chan and other guests.

Petley-Jones Gallery, 1554 W. 6th Ave.
Co-Sponsored by the Red Chamber Cultural Society.

After an elephantine gestational period The Museum of World Music was born in Vancouver on Nov 21 2015 at the Petley-Jones Gallery. The worlds of music and art came together to launch the first musical instrument museum in Canada.  Vancouver, being the extraordinarily exposition of cultural diversity that it is, will be the home to the new Museum of World Music.

Rare musical instruments and exquisite graphic arts will represent design in musical cultures from around the globe. Performances by Michael Dunn’s Brighter Lights, Thicker Glasses (Django Madness) and Geling Jiang (Chinese delights) begin at 8pm!

Design of Music

Rare exquisitely ornamented musical instruments, graphic scores, psychedelic posters, and early sheet music showcase the myriad design elements in music through the centuries, from all corners of the world. This exhibit draws from the private collections of prominent personalities in the Vancouver musical community. These treasures are usually hidden from public view and many are on display for the first time.

This exhibit is part of an initiative to create a museum in Vancouver dedicated to musical instruments and associated paraphernalia with a worldwide scope that emphasizes the rich musical community and heritage of British Columbia. All genres of music are to be included from baroque to world, country to jazz, hip-hop to electronic.

Sponsored by the Museum of World Music (MOWM), the Red Chamber Cultural Society (RCCS), and the Petley-Jones Gallery.

Museum of World Music
Copyright Petley Jones Gallery
2245 Granville Street Vancouver, BC